

class DdCloners extends DdListeners → file: mvc/DdCloners.js

The class DdCloners contains methods for parsing HTML elements with dd- attributes (directives). The parsed elements will be cloned (cloner directives).


The ddcloners instance is created in App.routes() method when controller is instantiated.


No properties associated with DdCloners class


  • --forceRender - when used the framewrok will always render the dd- directive
    Explanation: Whenever there is a change in $model.prop, the rendering will include directives associated with $model.prop and directives involving specific JavaScript expressions (...). Additionally, the framework will render directives marked with the --forceRender directive.
    For example: dd-text="$model.prop", dd-text="(this.worker.name)" and dd-text="company.size --forceRender"

dd-foreach="controllerProperty --val,key" | dd-foreach="(expression) --val,key"

Generate multiple HTML elements based on an array stored in a controller property.
  • define template variables with option --val,key, for example: dd-foreach="users --user,key" equals to users.forEach((user,key) => {...})
  • use string interpolations ${...} within HTML
  • use JS functions in string interpolation, for example: ${Math.random() + key} or ${JSON.stringify(val)} within HTML
  • use string concatenation in string interpolation, for example: ${val.name + ' is the name'}
  • use controller properties in string interpolation, ${key + this.someNumber} → NOTICE: this is related to controller instance i.e. controller object
  • shorten this.val[key].id with doubledollar marks, for example $$val.id
The base parameter is controllerProperty (controller property) which can be used with or without this..
dd-foreach="myArr --val,key"   or   dd-foreach="this.myArr --val,key"
dd-foreach="$model.myArr --val,key"   or   dd-foreach="this.$model.myArr --val,key"
dd-foraech="(['a','b','c']) --val,key"

<p dd-foreach="names --val,key" dd-class="this.val[key].id">${key} ${val.name} -- ${val.age}</p>

or shorten with doubledollar
<p dd-foreach="names --val,key" dd-class="$$val.id">${key} ${val.name} -- ${val.age}</p>

dd-foreach-child="this.controllerProperty --val,key" | dd-foreach-child="forEachArg --val,key"

To represent two-dimensional data, such as an array of arrays, nest a dd-foreach-child element within dd-foreach element. This structure allows you to iterate through the outer array and, for each outer element, iterate through its inner array elements effectively, providing a clear and organized representation of your data.
The base parameter for dd-foreach-child can include:
    - this.controllerProperty - it refers to a controller property and must be prefixed with this.
    - forEachArg - this parameter corresponds to an argument of the outer dd-foreach element
This directive can be used only as the child of dd-foreach and the equivalent JS code will be: The equivalent code will be:
this.companies.forEach((company, key) => {
  company.workers.forEach((worker, key2) => {
EXAMPLE 1: Iterate through users and show only certain fields. The fields is array and it is defined as controller property.
// controller
this.users = [
  {name: 'Pater Pan', age: 22, city: 'London'},
  {name: 'Ivan Ivić', age: 53, city: 'Zagreb'}
this.fields = ['name', 'age']; // only this user fields will be printed

// view
<tr dd-foreach="users --user,key">
  <td dd-foreach="this.fields --field"> ${user[field]} </td>
EXAMPLE 2: Iterate through companies and print workers for each company.
// controller
this.companies = [
  {name: 'One Ltd', workers: ['John', 'Sasa']},
  {name: 'Second Ltd', workers: ['Peter', 'Mark']}

// view
<tr dd-foreach="companies --company,key">
  <td dd-foreach="company.workers --worker,key2"> ${worker} </td>

dd-foreach-grandchild="this.controllerProperty --val,key" | dd-foreach-grandchild="forEachChildArg --val,key"

The directive dd-foreach-grandchild can be nested within dd-foreach-child to represend 3-dimensional data.
The parameters for dd-foreach-grandchild can include:
    - this.controllerProperty - it refers to a controller property and must be prefixed with this.
    - forEachChildArg - this parameter corresponds to an argument of the outer dd-foreach-child element
// controller
this.$model.rows = [
  [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
  [['A', 'B', 'C'], ['D', 'E', 'F'], ['G', 'H', 'I']]

// view
  <tr dd-foreach="$model.rows --row">
    <td dd-foreach-child="row --cell">
      <span dd-foreach-grandchild="cell --spanData">${spanData},</span>

dd-each="controllerProperty --val,key" | dd-each="(expression) --val,key"

The dd-each directive is a simplified version of dd-foreach. It offers significantly improved performance by omitting the calculation of child and grandchild elements. Therefore, opt for dd-each whenever nesting child and grandchild elements is unnecessary for your specific use case.
  • define template variables with option --val,key
  • use string interpolations ${}
  • use JS functions in the string interpolation, for example: ${Math.random() + key} or ${JSON.stringify(val)}
  • use string concatenation in the interpolation, for example: ${val.name + ' is the name'}
  • use controller properties in the string interpolation, ${key + this.someNumber} → NOTICE: this is related to controller instance
  • shorten this.val[key].id with doubledollar marks, for example $$val.id
dd-each="myArr --val,key"   or   dd-each="this.myArr --val,key"
dd-each="$model.myArr --val,key"   or   dd-each="this.$model.myArr --val,key"
dd-foraech="(['a','b','c']) --val,key"

<p dd-each="users --user,key" dd-class="$$user.id">${key} ${user.first_name} -- ${val.age}</p>

dd-repeat="controllerProperty" | dd-repeat="(expression)"

Multiply element based on controllerProperty, on number or expression.
dd-repeat="myNumber"   or   dd-repeat="this.myNumber"
dd-repeat="$model.myNumber"   or   dd-repeat="this.$model.myNumber"
dd-repeat="(this.myNumber + 1)"


Solve mustaches {{ }} in the element's innerHTML and attributes.
The mustache can contain standalone controller property {{this.$model.name}} or expression {{this.id + 1}}. The this. must be used.
<em dd-mustache>The product name is {{this.product_name}} made by {{this.$model.company_name}}</em>

<input type="text" placeholder="{{this.$model.myPlacholder}}" dd-mustache>

Stackblitz Examples