Firebase Hosting

StackBlitz Firebase Hosting is a reliable and scalable hosting service provided by Google. It simplifies the deployment of web apps with a straightforward and intuitive setup. Offering automatic SSL certificates and a global content delivery network, it ensures secure and fast access to your content. Firebase Hosting seamlessly integrates with other Firebase services, providing a comprehensive platform for web development. Its ease of use makes it an excellent choice for hosting static and dynamic web content.
Firebase Hosting provides a generous free tier, including 10 GB of hosting, 1 GB/day of content delivery, and SSL support, allowing developers to host and deploy web content at scale without incurring initial costs.
Read more from the Firebase Hosting Documentation.

Firebase Hosting and Dodo Application

It's very straightforward to deploy Dodo Application on the Firebase Hosting as a Single Page Application. Just follow this commands:

      $ npm run build     # This will create /dist/ folder with index.html

      $ firebase init
        # Hosting: Configure files for Firebase Hosting and (optionally) set up GitHub Action deploys [select this option]
        # What do you want to use as your public directory? [dist]
        # Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? [y]
        # Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub? [N]
        # File dist/index.html already exists. Overwrite? [N]  -- Opting for [y] will showcase the Firebase welcome page instead of Dodo's index.html

      $ firebase deploy
        # Project Console:
        # Hosting URL:
One example is