
The environments are managed by Vite as explained at https://vitejs.dev/guide/env-and-mode.html.
By default, the dev server (npm run dev command) runs in development mode and the build command npm run build runs in production mode.

Environment files

There are two environment files: "src/.env.development" and "src/.env.production".

Only variables prefixed with DODO_ will be exposed to the app. It's defined in the vite.config.js.

How to use

The environment variable defined in the src/.env.development can be used with import.meta​.env.DODO_VARNAME.
Let's see in the example:

DODO_API_BASE=""  # will be exposed to app during Vite compilation due to DODO_ prefix
SECRET_KEY="12345"  # will not be exposed to app

Now you can use DODO_API_BASE in the app.js and also in the controller files as import.meta.env.DODO_API_BASE

Production on dev server

During development the variables from ".env.development" file will be loaded into the app.
However sometimes we will want to use ".env.production" on dev server.
In that case the command npx vite --config vite.config.js --mode production or just npm run prod can be used.


There are two default .dev files. When more dev files are needed (for example ".env.stage"), the --mode option must be used.
For example: npx vite --config vite.config.js --mode stage or npx vite build --mode stage